Late afternoon location light - Hobart family portraits

These beautiful people just came in to see their new portraits for the first time and, well, they were pretty pleased.  

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I met them at their place in the last week of 2013 at about 6:30 when the sun was on its way down. We ventured across the road from their place into some nice open space which may or may not have actually been designed for horses to run in - either way, it made for some pretty nice images.

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We ventured down to their special beach - not everyone was keen for the location change...

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The weather wasn't great but he had just enough light for some nice portraits of mum and dad together before heading home.

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Thanks so much guys for inviting me to create these portraits for you. I had such a fantastic time getting to know you all and have no doubt you will love your new printed artwork for a very long time. (That first image is going to look sooo good on your wall!!)